Friday, March 23, 2007

Women vs Big trucks

I asked my friend in class next to me today a topic of discussion that she's interested in, and she responded with "Big trucks". "Well," I said, "Do you mean how women should be allowed to drive big trucks without being disciminated against by men?" And she said, "Yes". So, as you can see, I've now started a blogging on "Women vs Big trucks".

I want women to ask themselves this question: "Do I look good in a truck?" Once you've answered that one, go on and ask yourself this: "Do men that I know think I shouldn't be behind the wheel of a truck?"

If you answered yes to that last one, why do you think that is? Is it because men are realizing that us women are becoming more modernized and not the typical "Let me scrub the kitchen floor on my hand's and knee's with a toothbrush" kind of girl? Or maybe besides that, they realize that we are gaining more independence and are wanting a tighter hold things. Maybe they are trying to hold on to the last remnants of their manhood. Do big trucks play a role in their manhood? Ask one if you really one to know.

I personally think that is could be a possibility. I think men see a big truck and think because it is a macho toy, they become macho. And now that women have disconnected from the typical housewife life-style, they to are seeing this either the same way or in a different light. It's your decision to choose which one.

Do you think women should be allowed to own and drive a big truck without being discriminated against by men? Or are you pro for the housewife girl? Maybe you're neutral, like myself, and don't even given a crap about who drives what?

Post what you think in the comments archive at the end of this blog.

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